Brianna Grant, LCSW, RPT-S™
Child, Adolescent and Family Therapy
Brianna provides professional trainings and speaks at schools, universities, parent organizations, child care facilities, educational organizations and conferences locally and around the country. She provides continuing education trainings, workshops and speeches related to child sexual abuse, trauma, interpersonal neurobiology, attachment and play therapy.
Trainings & Presentations offered:​
* Play Therapy: Entering A Child's World - Part One
3 hour intensive on play therapy with children and adolescents
* Play Therapy: Entering A Child's World - Part Two
3 hour training addressing play therapy for children with a history of trauma/abuse, anxiety, ADHD as well as family play therapy and techniques
* Therapy with Children, Adolescents and Families
6 hour training addressing therapy with children, adolescents and families that includes specific interventions to utilize in sessions
* Play Therapy and the Art of the Relationship
1 hour basic training on play therapy principles and building relationship through play
* Child Sexual Abuse 101: What every professional should know
3 hour training addressing child sexual abuse treatment, modalities and psychoeducation
* Helping Traumatized Children Learn: Tools for Teachers
3 hour training discussing trauma-informed care and the impact of trauma on children and their ability to learn. Includes interventions for teachers and school counselors.
* Unspeakable Terror: Trauma and the Brain 101
3 hour training addressing the impact of trauma on the developing brain and how to assist children who have experienced trauma.
*Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Tailoring Directive Techniques Using a Prescriptive and Integrative Approach
3 hour training addressing a prescriptive and integrative play therapy approach to treating children and adolescents. Includes interventions for children and teens to treat anxiety, trauma and grief.
*Play Therapy and Trauma: Treating Trauma Using the Therapeutic Powers of Play
3 hour training addressing the neurobiology of trauma, impact of adverse childhood experiences on children and how to use play as a therapeutic change agent in healing
*Building Strong Brains - Adverse Childhood Experiences
1-3 hour training addressing the impact of toxic stress on brain development and how to prevent and mitigate ACEs.
Building Strong Brains: Tennessee ACEs Initiative is a major statewide effort to establish Tennessee as a national model for how a state can promote culture change in early childhood based on a philosophy that preventing and mitigating adverse childhood experiences, and their impact, is the most promising approach to helping Tennessee children lead productive, healthy lives and ensure the future prosperity of the state.
​​Click to contact Brianna Grant, LCSW, RPT-S and schedule a training for your agency or staff.